Fri. 1st - Sugar Shack and Pottery Lesson
Fri. 8th - Class Campfire and Hot Dogs
Thurs. 14th - Pizza Lunch
Fri 15th and Mon. 18th - NO SCHOOL (Easter)
Tues. 26th - Soap Carving
Thurs. 3rd/Fri. 4th - Student Led Conferences
Mon 7th - 18th - March/Spring Break
Thurs. 10th - Bake Sale
Fri. 11th - Ski Trip to Mt. Sima
Mon. 14th - Valentines Day
Wed. 16th- Fur Pom Pom Making
Tues. 22 - Pink Shirt Day
Wed. 23rd/Thurs. 24th- P.D Days
Mon. 28th - Interim Report Cards Go Home
Thurs. 2nd - Evening ZOOM Parent Teacher Interviews
Fri. 3rd - Morning ZOOM Parent Teacher Interviews
Tues. 7th - Medicine Pouches Workshop
Thurs. 9th - Pizza Day
Fri. Dec 17th - Last Day of School before Xmas Break
Fri. 5th - Rescheduled Salmon in the School (afternoon)
Thurs. 11th - Remembrance Day (NO SCHOOL)
Fri. 12th - P.D. Day - (NO SCHOOL)
Thurs. 18th - (Crazy) Hat Day and Pizza Day
Fri. 26th - Interim Report Cards Go Home
(those on isolation can pick-up at the office or wait until Monday)
Wed. 6th - Long Ago People's Place Field Trip
Mon. 11th - Thanksgiving Day (NO SCHOOL)
Wed. 13th - Veggie Delivery
Thurs. 14th - Pizza Lunch
Fri. 15th - Salmon in the School (afternoon)
Fri. 22nd - PD day (NO SCHOOL)
Fri. 29th - Halloween Dress-Up Day
Tues. 7, Wed. 8, & Thurs. 9 - Swim to Survive 8:40 - 10:00am
Thurs. 9th - Pizza Lunch
Thurs. 16th - Picture Day for Grade 3
Spirit Day - Wear your Jack Hulland School Colours!
Fri. 24th - Open House
Wed. 29th - Orange Shirt Day & Terry Fox Run
Thurs. 30th - Truth and Reconciliation Day (NO SCHOOL)
Fri. 1st - Sugar Shack and Pottery Lesson
Fri. 8th - Class Campfire and Hot Dogs
Thurs. 14th - Pizza Lunch
Fri 15th and Mon. 18th - NO SCHOOL (Easter)
Tues. 26th - Soap Carving
Thurs. 3rd/Fri. 4th - Student Led Conferences
Mon 7th - 18th - March/Spring Break
Thurs. 10th - Bake Sale
Fri. 11th - Ski Trip to Mt. Sima
Mon. 14th - Valentines Day
Wed. 16th- Fur Pom Pom Making
Tues. 22 - Pink Shirt Day
Wed. 23rd/Thurs. 24th- P.D Days
Mon. 28th - Interim Report Cards Go Home
Thurs. 2nd - Evening ZOOM Parent Teacher Interviews
Fri. 3rd - Morning ZOOM Parent Teacher Interviews
Tues. 7th - Medicine Pouches Workshop
Thurs. 9th - Pizza Day
Fri. Dec 17th - Last Day of School before Xmas Break
Fri. 5th - Rescheduled Salmon in the School (afternoon)
Thurs. 11th - Remembrance Day (NO SCHOOL)
Fri. 12th - P.D. Day - (NO SCHOOL)
Thurs. 18th - (Crazy) Hat Day and Pizza Day
Fri. 26th - Interim Report Cards Go Home
(those on isolation can pick-up at the office or wait until Monday)
Wed. 6th - Long Ago People's Place Field Trip
Mon. 11th - Thanksgiving Day (NO SCHOOL)
Wed. 13th - Veggie Delivery
Thurs. 14th - Pizza Lunch
Fri. 15th - Salmon in the School (afternoon)
Fri. 22nd - PD day (NO SCHOOL)
Fri. 29th - Halloween Dress-Up Day
Tues. 7, Wed. 8, & Thurs. 9 - Swim to Survive 8:40 - 10:00am
Thurs. 9th - Pizza Lunch
Thurs. 16th - Picture Day for Grade 3
Spirit Day - Wear your Jack Hulland School Colours!
Fri. 24th - Open House
Wed. 29th - Orange Shirt Day & Terry Fox Run
Thurs. 30th - Truth and Reconciliation Day (NO SCHOOL)